Fortune-Creating Homes

Vedic Architecture
Maharishi Sthapatya Veda

Advantages of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda

"Because the individual is cosmic, everything about individual life should be in full harmony with Cosmic Life. Maharishi Sthapatya Veda gives dimensions, formulas, and orientations to the buildings that will provide Cosmic Harmony and Support to the individual for his peace, prosperity, and good health - daily life in accord with Natural Law, daily life in the evolutionary direction." -- Maharishi

Auspicious Vastu promotes positive, evolutionary influences; buildings without auspicious Vastu produce negative effects. People do not know that many misfortunes and even diseases arise from buidings that have incorrect Vastu.

People who live and work in buildings designed according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture find they:
According to the tradition of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design, houses and offices not built in accord with Natural Law can create problems:
  • think more clearly and creatively
  • make better decisions
  • feel happier and healthier
  • feel more alert and refreshed throughout the day
  • enjoy more restful sleep
  • enjoy more energy and less fatigue
  • experience less stress and greater peace of mind
  • anxiety, depression
  • illness, chronic disease
  • blocks to creativity
  • bad luck, financial loss
  • obstacles to progress and success
  • disharmony in relationships, breakdown of family
  • anti-social behaviour and even criminal tendencies

Continuous violation of Natural Law, day after day, year after year, generation after generation, through incorrect orientation and placement, inevitably results in the widespread Hazards of Architecture. For example, inauspicious orientation - entrance facing any direction other than East or North - contributes to imbalances, ill-health, and problems in professional and family life.

Hazards of Architecture could be further aggravated by negative effects resulting from inauspicious qualities of the site, inauspicious slope and shape, inauspicious placement of water bodies as well as other factors.

Doctors practicing Maharishi's Vedic Health Care will routinely ask their patients about the orientation of their homes and in which direction they sleep or work and will recommend consulting an expert of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda for redesign of the house.
In many cases it may be neccessary to abandon one's present home and move into a properly orientated building with an ideal Vastu.

Fortune-Creating™, Maharishi®, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda™, and Vastu™ are trade marks of
Maharishi’s Global Administration through Natural Law Ltd. (MGANL) ABN 20 001 342 301 a non-profit educational organisation with
Registered Office at 190 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063

© Maharishi Vedic University.